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Work-life balance is the most debated and discussed topic of the professional world now a days.
On one hand, various countries are talking about a 4-day workweek, and on the other hand, the realities are tougher than ever. The workdays are filled with immense pressures, deadlines, and what not? To cope with such pressures, a lot of techniques are discussed including but not limited to dividing your day into urgent and important tasks and staying away from the urgencies by staying proactive, delegating your tasks, and whatever… but we all know the practicalities of such techniques… There are hardly any days when you don’t have a lot of firefighting to do…
In such challenging environments, VoIP softphones can reduce your workload a great deal, wondering how? Read the full article below:
Drag & Drop call transfers:
You’re on an important call, the client is close to the deal, it’s there… and here you go – your mobile phone just rang and it’s your other client who’s even bigger and closer. You cannot reject him either.
If you’re just a hard worker you’d probably feel tensed, and ask the existing call to hold for a second, talk to the new caller and ask them to wait, talk to the first one again while thinking about the second one.. and BAM! You said something wrong and the first caller feels it, and the deal, which was just around the corner, is nowhere now. But a smart worker would use VoIP softphone, he’d just click on the new caller, drag and drop it to his best colleague’s pipeline, OR would just drop it in the parking lot. Smart, isn’t it? Not only you’d now talk to the first caller with complete attention, there’s a high chance your second caller would clinch the deal too. Win x2 right? That’s why VoIP softphones with drag & drop call features are the name of the game now a days.
Not to forget how big of a hassle transferring calls on traditional phones is, remembering the extensions, dialing them without knowing whether the recipient would be available or not is nothing but an annoyance. Relieving you from these small stresses is how VoIP softphones reduce your workload by letting you know who’s available and who’s not.
Friendly voice mails:
Voice mails are useful, but it costs you an hour of your most productive time every single day. No matter how much you plan otherwise, you do end up listening to all of those voice mails in the morning. Here’s how VoIP can help it: VoIP softphones come with a transcription feature whereby it transcribes your voicemails and integrates with your email to give you a complete view of who messaged you and what, every single morning. Helpful isn’t it? You can just quickly glance and select which one to respond, as you won’t have to respond to all of them because each one already got a standard greeting reply that you set automatically on your VoIP.
Integration with CRM records:
CRM records are useful when your intention is what the name is i.e. customer relationship management. A standard sales call starts with an introduction of the caller and the company, imagine that being already done by your VoIP reducing 40-50% of your call time. Yes, VoIP softphones can be integrated with CRM records which helps in a way that you already get the caller identity and introduction on your screen as soon as the phone rings. This also cheers the caller up, as you greet them with their name, remember Dale Carnegie’s golden words, “the favorite word to any person in this entire world is his/her name”. Cheering the caller means bringing you closer to the objective of the call, which can be a business deal or a sales pitch.
Click-call to coworkers:
Finally, the hassle of remembering extensions of your coworkers, and calling them just to know that they’re busy is now over. You can click-call coworkers and through the VoIP softphone device as well as the integrated mobile app. Both audio and video calling features are available.
Queue alerts:
If you are a queue supervisor and your best caller always complains of being too busy? And his customers keep complaining of him being too busy too? Let’s manage his queue proactively. You can now set up queue alerts on email or phone via VoIP softphone. As soon as your caller queue would pass a threshold, you’ll get an alert, and with the receipt of this alert, you can manage all your callers while giving them their due workload, ultimately giving you a sigh of relief.
All these features basically automate many of your minor tasks and make your day hassle-free. A manager, like any human being, has limited willpower to exercise in a day, and with VoIP softphone taking up a maximum of these small, hassle-causing tasks – you can focus on larger, goal-oriented stuff. Interesting right? Grab VoIP for your office now, and help your callers, supervisors and C-suite personnel focus on real tangible goals.
Great article
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